1. High phosphorus and high potassium liquid fertilizer:
80-230-270 100-200-300 80-300-300 100-300-300 30-440-350 40-260-350 50-200-400 100-200-400 100-300-400 50-300-400 50-350-400 50-280-420 100-400-100
2. Super strong High-P and High-K liquid fertilizer with abundant elements:
NPK: 00-500-500
3. High potassium liquid fertilizer with abundant elements:
40-250-250 100-100-300 150-50-300 150-100-300 100-50-350 100-00-390 40-60-400 100-100-400 50-150-400 00-100-500
4. Pure potassium liquid fertilizer with abundant elements:
00-00-450 00-00-550 00-00-580 00-00-630
5. Cost-efficient flower forcing, fruit expanding and coloring fertilizer:
NPK: 60-200-240+Te
6. Special fertilizer for warming, rooting and soil restoration
7. High N and high P liquid fertilizer with abundant elements
NPK: 200-200-100 340-120-40 420-00-00
8. High Phosphorus liquid fertilizer with abundant elements
150-300-50 100-350-100 60-385-195 100-400-100 50-400-50 50-400-200 100-400-200 100-500-100 40-600-40+Ca35
9. Balanced type: 170-170-170+Te
10. High nitrogen type: 300-95-105+Te